"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." —Mark Twain There’s very little doubt that we’re coupling with the rise of fascism under the guise of “Christianity” and White Supremacy. Yet, folks don’t seem to recognize it for what it is. But as a friend pointed out in a tweet, “Views have become entirely biased by party affiliation, instead of facts”. It makes one wonder if that isn’t the reason folks are so willing to accept full-blown autocracy as the new “truth, the way, and the light”. This brings me to the confusion between nationalism and actual patriotism.
On the surface, they appear to be the same–The flag-waving, “America Fuck Yeah” attitude, and the bleeding of the old “Red, White, and Blue”. With a beckoning call to get folks excited about taking action and civic engagement. It tries to recreate the same fiery passion America hasn’t seen since WWII. Granted, there is nothing wrong with taking some pride in our nation and the progress we have made as a society in the 246 years that we have been a nation. So, it’s easy to see how folks get lured into the movement because it sparks the “need” to be in service of their nation without leaving the comfort of their own homes.
I mean it feeds right into their egos and leaves them feeling like they are being productive members of society with a noble cause–preserving our 246-year-old nation. But these “star-spangled” eye folks are not realizing that they’re serving nationalism and not actual patriotism. I mean when you start supporting legislation that targets a specific demographic of the population or legislation that sets back the entire nation at least a century–That’s nationalism paving the road to fascism.
But with all of this going on we have to ask what is real patriotism?
That definition will vary from person to person, but the consensus is that actual patriotism is putting the country before your party affiliation, holding your respected lawmakers accountable, and upholding the laws of the land. In our case that would be the Constitution and rule of law. I would argue that the real patriots demonstrate what it means to be in the service of others by fighting the corrupted system from the inside of the courtrooms. The folks that are still honoring their oaths to the constitution even though they are retired from literal service. The folks that are organizers and trying to connect to the masses in grassroots movements and speaking out.
These folks are risking almost everything to stand up and speak out against a gnarly movement that puts our Constitutional Republic (Yes, it’s a democracy). And this part is they’re coming from all walks of life, and party affiliations to serve a common purpose to take the fight to them sort of speak. Because at the end of the day, that’s what it means to be American and to bleed that “red, white, and blue”.
These are the people that the flawed founders of this nation had in mind when they were talking about when they were busy writing up some of our most important documents that established “liberty” and “freedom” as we come to know…
With that said, it cannot be stressed enough about the kind of moral courage it takes to do what they’re doing. It’s what real courage looks like. But this courage is often overshadowed by the cries of cowards pretending to be so “brave” and thinking they’re making their marks. It’s probably why Mr. Twain called it a “rarity”.
I would also like to think that Twain would be highly impressed with these folks who are risking a lot to say “No to Fascism” and hold to their principles while giving their neighbors a hand up through hope. I count myself lucky to be surrounded by such folks, and even counted among their ranks. And some of those folks I have the honor to call friends.
So, despite the unavoidable that’s consuming every state house in the nation, and even in DC.. Remember my dear readers, that there are actual patriots out there, doing the work to protect and preserve our fundamental principles. And they get in the “trenches” every day because this fight is for the long haul and it’s going to go away in the next few election cycles.
I mean the fascist movement has been building since the mid 1970s.
It’s safe to say they’re going to keep at it until they get the “crown” sort of speak… In the words of Trumiph (The Band ) “ Keep up the good fight”, and keep pushing back even though y’all don’t get the rightful credit y’all deserve.
And if you’re still on the fence, I want you to understand that our politics is no longer a spectator sport. It’s a full-contact sport, and we need more folks willing to start getting involved before we lose everything that we hold sacred when it comes to being American. So get involved, and get informed, because it’s going to take all of us to get back to being the America we recognize.
Be the light in the darkness, and the hope that the ones who feel they have been left behind and forgotten about. That's how we maintain our democracy - by connecting with others and being the "light" of liberty.
As always take care, and take care of one another
Lots of love,
". . . patriotism is putting the country before your party affiliation, holding your respected lawmakers accountable, and upholding the laws of the land. In our case that would be the Constitution and rule of law."
I agree with this definition. I do believe this fight is going to have to go for the long haul. One can hope - it’s going to go - in a hopeful direction as quickly as - the next few election cycles. But I am prepared it may take longer (even while hoping it won't).
Must be important - the light has come up repeatedly today and it does feel kinda dark at the moment. I hope that the ones who feel they hav…