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Writer's picturejojobeansmo

Jason Smith's stealing the whole damn railroad

“A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ― Theodore Roosevelt It’s a fair assumption that most of us already know about the corruption that goes on behind the scenes in politics. From the funding of political campaigns through “Dark Money” in legitimate PACs to lobbyists from billion-dollar corporations to ensure that their interests always take precedence over everyone else’s. Essentially, it raises the question of how career politicians make their money when they’re in “public service”. And our US representative Jason Smith is no exception to that rule by any means. Recently, Jason decided he going to just “steal the whole railroad” as the “Bull Moose” Roosevelt would say, and try to buy his way into one of the oldest and most prestigious congressional committees in the US. known as the House Ways and Means committee. This committee writes our tax laws to bring in revenue for the government to cover things like infrastructure, social programs, education, etc, military, etc. It’s a big deal considering he can’t even manage to bring money in and improve our district. How is he going to work on that committee? So, when he announced that he had raised over $900K and then cut a $250k check to this organization during a closed NRCC meeting. He also announced that he pledged another $500k before the election cycle ended in November. So that means he’s willing to raise 1,650,000 dollars to stay in power but refuses to bring money to the district to improve our quality of life across the district. So, one has to wonder who’s paying for his little venture. Well, the short answer, is we are, the tax payers and his private donors. Like we paid for the PPP Loans he took out during the pandemic cost us $50,742. We also pay his $174,000 yearly for him to do absolutely nothing except whine on social media about how it’s morally wrong to help folks out with student debt despite the fact, that is what our tax dollars are supposed to do. If that doesn’t reek of self-interest nothing does. We deserve so much better than that. We deserve a representative like Randi McCallian that doesn’t take corporate money, won’t use our tax money to stay in their seat, holds accountability, and is all about making sure her neighbors get the things they need to improve their daily lives. That’s why on November 8th we should remind Jason that we’re not his cash cow and vote for a better option Randi McCallian.

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