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Blood on Mo Leg's hands.

Writer's picture: jojobeansmojojobeansmo

“To sin by silence when they should protest, makes cowards of men.”― Abraham Lincoln Today the state of Missouri felt a shock wave of rage and grief that rocked the entire state after the news broke that there was a school shooting at the Central Visual and Performing Arts High School in South St. Louis. This school did everything right too. On-site campus security guards, metal detectors, locked doors, and still 3 people were killed (including the active shooter) and 7 injured. [1] This, in theory, shouldn't have happened in this school, because it did everything right by the standards of the extreme nut jobs of the NRA and other endmost gun rights "activists" that have this weird fetish to create "Mad Max and Beyond the Thunderdome" scenario. But here in the Ozarks, it hit a little closer to home, because it's not that far away, and our schools don't have that kind of security. Of course, I have a few friends that live up there, and they have kids in schools, so I can't imagine their fear right now, because they do not know if their families are going to become the next causality of MO Leg's "Second Amendment Preservation Act" or known as "SAPA". So, while folks were up in arms about the shooting yesterday, the first place they start to place the blame on the NRA, Dorr brothers, and other various "gun rights activists" for the madness. I mean it's no secret that these groups pump millions of dollars into the GOP candidates' campaigns and into politics to make sure that their rhetoric is used to scare millions of Americans of some kind of "Big, tyrannical government" coming for their guns." And while these kinds of groups definitely play a part in the bewildering fetish with the cosplay of "Delta Force commando" that seems to make the average responsible gun owner look bad. But that's not where the blame belongs for yesterday. That blame goes to SAPA and the nut jobs that passed it in the Missouri Legislative branch and the Governor that signed it into law. If you're unfamiliar with this law, it's an unconstitutional law that tries to nullify all federal gun regulations in the state. Law enforcement agencies can no longer work with Federal agencies like FBI, ATF, DEA, or any federal alphabet agency that involves firearms. Law enforcement can't even give data to these agencies for major databases for statics and possible links to crimes. And the kicker is if a person feels their 2A right was violated--Police departments can be sued for up to $50,000 dollars for doing law enforcement doing their job. This means that if there's a legitimate threat to the community the cops can't do a thing about it until after it happens. This also means no background checks and leaves the door open for some shady "back alley" deals and an actual criminal that gets a firearm. Because? That makes sense to anyone that has any common sense right? Keep in mind, these are the same folks that were screaming about "Back the Blue" during the Black Lives Matter protests. Did I mention that it's unconstitutional due to the "Supremacy Clause" found in the US Constitution? Not that our ruling majority in the Missouri legislative body cares about the US Constitution, to begin with, and haven't in the past 20 years, but I digress. Now the law is being challenged in court, but who knows how that is going to play out. [2] at the end of the day. Anyways, the super majority that has control of Mo leg --In their infallible wisdom decided unanimously that Missourians didn't need to follow any of those pesky federal gun regulations because we're a "Free state". It didn't matter that law enforcement and citizens across the state flat-out said this was a bad idea. But pandering to the super small minority and big dollar donors was way more important than preventing an unspeakable crime or at least that's why the authors of this law and governor told us anyways. For most of us, we held our breath to see and prayed that another tragedy wouldn't happen, but it did yesterday.. 3 people lost their lives to the insanity of Mo Leg's perverted wet dream of a "safe society" where children pay the ultimate price.. I don't have enough words to properly articulate my rage at Mo Leg, I do have enough to properly say that we do not have to keep living this way. It's no longer a political stance or even a partisan issue.. Mo Leg is forcing us to raise children in an environment that is similar to war zone conditions. The Missouri GOP is willing to sacrifice our children to feed their weird and unhealthy blood-lust to stay in power. I cannot stress enough that we do not have to live this way, and shouldn't have to. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fair to say that most of us that live in this state own a gun or two, because most of us live out in the sticks or have farms with livestock. Hunting is part of our way of life here, and a major holiday when deer season hits. We also love our competitive shoots too, and outside in nature exploring the wonders it has to offer. But enough is enough. We need some responsible and common sense gun laws written by adults and not impetuous overgrown children. That's why we as a collective whole need to start holding people like Mary Elizabeth Coleman, Ben Baker, Eric Burlison, Nick Shroer, Eric Schmitt, Mike Parson, etc accountable. Be it at the ballot box or getting so loud in the halls of Jefferson City that they can no longer ignore our noise or rage. We need to let them know that their sin is their cowardice and isn't going unnoticed when they refuse to stand up to do the right thing. If we don't we're going to get more of the same or even worse considering they don't give a damn about the average Missourian. And we deserve so much better than this, and so do our children. As always take care and be good to one another Much love and peace out, Jojo Citations: 1. city/ 2. 3.


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