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Writer's picturejojobeansmo

Blurred vision.

“No man really knows about other human beings. The best he can do is to suppose that they are like himself.” – John Steinbeck If you live in Missouri you know that this quote rings true for the general population. As most of us like to think “kind” of our neighbors and friends and choose to see the better qualities. However, we too often apply the same kind of optimism to our political leaders. Unfortunately, this has led us to the current mess that our poor state is in and most folks are still oblivious to how the people in control of the state see us. Which is a group of folk that is easily exploited and manipulated into believing that “our suffering is our own fault” and that if “we work really hard” that will improve our station in life as we’re just a bunch of inconvenienced millionaires running around. They take advantage of our good nature and they abuse it to stay in power. I mean look at the laws that have been gutted after we voted in on the ballot like expanded Medicaid, the Clean Missouri Bill, and the infamous gas tax. They literally ignored what we the voters said, and changed it to fit their agenda. So when we look at what’s on our ballot for November. It’s downright terrifying. SJR 38 - Gives the state of Missouri complete control over all law enforcement agencies that are not federal. The Constitutional Convention- Delegates from around the state to “amend and revise” our state Constitution. Ultimately, it gives a select group of people from around the state the power to write legislation outside of Mo Legislative body and put it in our state constitution. Plus it wastes tons of tax-payer money. Amendment 5- would take our national guard away from MDOT and the DOD and give it to the state. Basically, give the state of Missouri its own personal army. Now if you’re new to Missouri politics basically we have a bunch of wannabe fascists that would like to have nothing more than absolute power. For example, Mary Coleman who stripped us of our right to privacy and body autonomy would like to enforce Travel bans on half the population despite the US 5th amendment saying that travel is a fundamental right to any American citizen. Keep in mind, these are the same people that came up with SAPA and federal gun laws are now invalid here. “Because our safety is always their main priority” right? LOL So should these atrocious ballot measures that the party in control (GOP if you’re wondering) are being pushed come as a surprise? Absolutely not. And that’s why we need to really start getting people to see that our state leaders in charge are not like us and do not represent us in any way, shape, or form. We need to start seeing our neighbors as our friends in order to take power away from these jokers that call themselves leaders. It’s the only way we can save our state from becoming a domesticated version of Venezuela that’s run like a three-ring circus. That’s designed to be only for a select few and not for the rest of us. It’s time we start taking back our home and fixing it for all of us. Starting with restoring our democracy. That’s it for the day. Peace out

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