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Pinocchio Hawley: Struggles with being a "real boy" and the hidden agenda behind it.

Writer's picture: jojobeansmojojobeansmo

Updated: May 24, 2023

"Josh Hawley writing a book about "Manhood" is like me writing a book about surgery. I'm not a surgeon."-- Lucas Kunce, (2024 Democrat Senator Candidate for Missouri) You probably noticed a huge push for the definition of gender roles in our mainstream politics. From the weird encouragement of men tanning their "nether" regions to taking on the embodiment of "Davy Crockett". Only with mini monster trucks, and the "Ar" version of "Old Betsy" around. In the midst of all the talking heads, trying to tell men how they should be--The one voice that has been the loudest on the subject is Senator Josh Hawley. In fact, he's had so many thoughts on the subject that he wrote a book on his "Manliness" and "manhood" encouraging folks to do a dead "run" to go out and get his book. It's fair to say that when you think of masculinity, Josh Hawley probably isn't the first thought that comes to mind. In fact, Senator Hawley is probably the furthest thing from the idea of what masculinity traits most people would use to describe as being a man. I mean, he incited a bunch of folks to storm the capital, then ran away from his people when after he fired them up. Not many men have that level of cowardliness, but this guy also has openly criticized our serving men and women in the military--by calling them weak and pathetic despite never serving a day in his life.

It could be argued that his entire book is basically one big confession of his struggle with his own masculinity and one huge projection of the qualities that he lacks as a human being. I mean, he's still on his kick about porn and video games.. Then, of course, he also wants to define what it means to be a woman and our role in the world as well. He just hasn't written a book about it yet, despite plenty of vocal about the topic. It's true, the entire nation is now making all kinds of fun of Josh Hawley, especially in Missouri, because let's be honest. The jokes write themselves, but we have to start taking this rhetoric a little more seriously because his tomfoolery has a well-organized agenda behind it and it's to edge us all a bit closer to fascism hiding behind Christianity. It's to normalize their vision of what the "quintessential" society is--Which is an "All White" nation following a "Blue eye, Blonde hair" Rambo Jesus. They do take the verse that Jesus said "He didn't come to be a peacemaker, but a warlord" literally. And sure, it sounds super reachy, and a hyperbolic scenario, but the reality is that it's not. In fact, all fascist movements focus on controlling the population by defining gender roles. However, what folks are missing with the right-wing push of the definition of gender roles is-- how much it resembles that of some rhetoric to what the Nazis used to push their "Aryan" race theory and commit one of the biggest genocides in modern history. In fact, if you were to change a few words in Hawley's speeches--you would see that his talking points are the same as the actual Nazi point to what Himmler used to push his vision of the "perfect" society and the Eugenic programs like the Lebensborn program and strict abortion bans. Oh yes, Nazis were very fond of being involved with every aspect of family planning. They even went so far as to tell their soldiers to go populate the world with their "seed" so they could fulfill their dream of a fictitious and perverted legacy of an "Aryan" society. And that leads us to the ridiculous "Great Replacement" theory that the GOP(especially Josh Hawley) likes to throw around to target just everyone. It's heavily rooted in Nazism, or at least the modern version of it is, anyway. If you're unfamiliar with the "Great Replacement" theory or haven't heard of it until now. It's this insane theory that "white folks" are being systematically wiped out and replaced by folks that have a different skin color. It's been around since about the 18th century as an excuse to hate Jewish communities and immigrants in Europe, but wasn't until the Nazis started to utilize this theory- did it become mainstream politics from 1929 to 1945. However, this theory kind of died out except in the South, where Jim Crow was still king until 1968. But it did go quiet for a little until Fox News was born. Then the hate-filled theory was put right back into the spotlight and became popular with the modern GOP. So, while the older version inspired the Nazis to do atrocious deeds--This theory is now inspiring a whole new generation to go down the same road as the original SS. This leads us back to Josh and his pretentious views on morality and the GOP's goal of the "ultimate family planning" guide to the nuclear family unit. Now that you can kind of see where the GOP is trying to go, let's get back to their herald Hawley' and his "Pinocchio" syndrome. Now we can say that Josh is jealous of the fact that most men are completely okay with being the way they are and masculine in their own way. Be it watching a baseball game to being able to fix a computer. It's clear Josh struggles that he has more feminine traits than masculine--And pushing that off on men everywhere. I mean Josh airing his dirty laundry makes one wonder if "Pinocchio" wasn't based on a "True Story" and no matter how hard he tries, he's never going to become that "Real Boy" in his mind. Quite frankly, Josh probably would find therapy cheaper than making a complete jackass out of himself on the national stage on a daily basis. But here we are... Now fellers, I'm going to let you on a little secret. No woman finds Josh's behavior "manly". You're fine the way you are. Be it watching ESPN like it's on repeat to being out in the garage with a beer with power tools. I mean, the most "masculine" thing a guy can do is respect people and stand up for others when the need arises. Because that shows real strength, courage, intelligence, and self-discipline. Aside from tattoos and some grey in the hair --there's nothing sexier than that. And right now, that's what people need from the men in our society. Because our democracy is under attack, and so are our very fundamental rights. The very concepts that define us as human beings are coming are in the GOP's sight, and they're not just going to stop with certain folks. They're just warming up to get us all under their heel, and that includes you by defining how you should be. So, unless you want Hawley to define you and the GOP.. And Let's be honest, they're not even close to being the warriors they believe themselves to be. So please, for all of our sakes, start showing up and start getting loud, and show them what men do when there's a crisis. As much as we ladies can carry our own water in the trenches, it never hurts to have extra help in those trenches with us. Especially now we're living in a world of "Josh Hawleys". As always take care, and take care of one another, Much love, Jojo


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