“Chaos is the score upon which reality is written.”--Henry Miller
It’s no secret that politics by nature is pure chaos, and when you step into that ring, you get accustomed to the noise and theater, particularly when you work for a political campaign. Politics is messy on a good day and some days it’s a full-contact “blood sport”. So you learn to tough up, come prepared, and be fearless while hoping for the best. But once in a while, you run across something that is so terrifying that it makes your blood run cold and the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. And I’m talking about making the book “The Exorcist” look like a child's book. So, let’s get into what kind of “horror” book that’s being passed as a political “playbook” for the next two years from the GOP. Now, you probably have seen in the news the extreme bits of proposed legislation on both state and national levels–And it looks not only unconstitutional but also completely fascist. Well, it comes from a Conservative conglomerate called a “Think Tank” that’s primarily made up of Billionaires and big corporations called The Heritage Foundation. It’s where all that insane legislation comes from that makes the news cycles and makes the rest of the world raise an eyebrow at “GOP” controlled states. The newest “playbook” should definitely be no exception considering that it’s a full manifesto for the next two years. That 900+ page manifesto should make everyone’s blood run cold. It certainly looks like the authors went through Mein Kampf, highlighted the worst aspects of it, and thought that they were “good ideas”. Of course, it has something in there for everyone. From demolishing the separation of powers between the branches of government (of course, they made sure to add that’s not what they are doing) to targeting every demographic in the United States. It even goes so far as to call the LGBTQ+ sexual predators and want to use the death penalty on sexual predators.. It doesn’t take much to figure out what these jokers are trying to get at by their own admission. It also reinforces the idea of the “nuclear” family model and the “biblical” definition of marriage through educational programs. And I mention the fact, that there’s a plan to completely gut EPA guidelines, starve out farmers everywhere, dismantle the public education system, and starve school children. Yep, there are plans of action to do all of those things including eliminating the “Free School lunch” program that feeds millions of children across the nation. Sadly, these few things are just some of the highlights of that crazy and terrifying comprehensive policy statement. That’s not even mentioning that the first few chapters talk about filling our military and other high-ranking official seats with “loyalists”, weaponizing the DOJ, and defunding our efforts to help Ukraine fight Russia… So you can be rest assured that there are going to be more blog pieces covering this dystopian “handbook”--I just wanted to give you the “cliff notes” of just how chaotic and fascist the GOP is going to get in the next few years. Ultimately, their goal is to reshape our nation’s fabric and completely turn our Constitutional Republic into a pandemonium of destruction and abuse against our fellow Americans. Why? Because it’s how fascist movements take power to install their own brand of “Freedom”.
In short, what I’m trying to say in my long windway is that we need to start taking this seriously. I mean Missouri is trending due to two state senators posting a video with the caption “Burning down liberal policies”. And the image screamed the same images as the Nazi book burnings from 1933, and that is the whole point of their message with that stunt. To showcase exactly what they have in mind for the next two years. Which is to burn our fragile democracy down to the ground, along with our beloved Constitution. And while sure it sounds “tin foil hatish” –we’re well past the point of being hyperbolic, and just political theater. So, start getting loud, defiant, and organized. It’s the only way that we can escape the ring of Chaos before it becomes our reality.
I appreciate your thoughts...thanks for posting! While I'm an optimist and know from history that pendulums swing, it is very sobering to realize where we are now in Missouri. We have a bit of a rough patch to get through before this mess begins to turn around.
Thanks - very worried about Project 2025 becoming a reality.